New or used, the jacket is yours while wearing it. The name on the back is where the heritage lies.
The FFA Blue Jacket

Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve

The Brownstown FFA
Officer Team:
President: Savannah Dush
Vice President: Alivia Claycomb
Secretary: Daisy Chandler
Treasurer: Madilynn Miller
Advisor: Ms. Cloe Haas

The Brownstown FFA Chapter Constitution:
Each degree of active membership requires commitment and a lot of hard work, but you don’t have to be a gifted student or live on a large farm or ranch to reach your goals. The FFA degree system is organized so that all FFA members, no matter where they are from, have an equal chance of obtaining each degree of membership including the highest degree of membership within the FFA, the American FFA Degree. However, you must show progress in your Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program to have a realistic chance at attaining this goal. If you are a freshman or sophomore in high school, now is the time to set your goal and create a road map on how you plan to achieve your goals within the FFA.
LINK to Brownstown FFA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/UDRWBzggXymJbDA3/
Greenhand FFA Degree
To be eligible to receive the Greenhand FFA Degree from the chapter, a member must meet the following minimum qualifications:
1. Be enrolled in agricultural education and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program.
2. Learn and explain the FFA Creed, motto, salute and FFA mission statement.
3. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket.
5. Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities.
6. Personally own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the Official FFA Student Handbook.
7. Submit written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Chapter FFA Degree
To be eligible to receive the Chapter FFA Degree from the chapter, a member must meet the following minimum qualifications:
1. Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
2. Must have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least 180 hours of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved supervised agricultural experience program and be enrolled in an agriculture course.
3. Have participated in the planning and conducting of at least three official functions in the chapter’s Program of Activities.
4. A student after entering agricultural education must have: a. Earned and productively invested at least $150 by the member’s own efforts; or worked at least 45 hours in excess of scheduled class time; or a combination thereof; and b. Developed plans for continued growth and improvement in a supervised agricultural experience program.
5. Have effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes.
6. Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.
7. Show progress toward individual achievement in the FFA award programs.
8. Have a satisfactory scholastic record.
9. Have participated in at least 10 hours of community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid supervised agricultural experience hours.
10. Submit a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.